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Indonesia will rank 5th as a country that dominates the global economy, on par with other developed countries, such as Japan, the United States, and Germany. (Survey by PwC). Business competition in the current era of globalization is increasingly rapid and intense. Indonesia inevitably must be ready to compete in the era of competition in the form of the Asean Economic Community (AEC). Not only AEC with ASEAN but also the whole world.
Millions of disputes or legal cases covering industry and business in the country covering various aspects, such as licensing, employment, default, business contracts, insurance and financing, as well as share ownership disputes to the failure of debtors to pay their obligations to creditors, all of which require smart solutions from reliable legal professionals.
Arif Edison International Legal Services is a legal services firm that has in-depth experience in the following fields: tax, corporate, arbitration and dispute resolution, capital markets, energy and natural resources, construction, intellectual property rights, fashion and entertainment industry since 2015. We have also collaborated with foreign practitioners on five continents to maximize our services for multinational companies.
"The Quality of Legal Understanding Matters."
Kehamilan Pelajar di Sampang Melanggar UU Perlindungan Anak
Pelaku bisa dijerat pidana kurungan jika berusia diatas 14 tahun, dari pidana pokok dikurangi sepertiga jika masih berusia di bawah 18 tahun sesuai UU Perlindungan Anak dan UU Sistem Peradilan Anak, dan Wali Murid (pihak Sekolah) juga terancam kelalaian dan pembiaran oleh Undang-Undang yang sama.
Selengkapnya cek di link berikut.
Konsekuensi Bagi Aparat Polisi yang Membiakan Laporan Korban KDRT Hingga Meninggal
Siapapun yang membiarkan kejahatan merupakan pembantu terhadap kejahatan tersebut sesuai aturan KUHP.
Selengkapnya cek di link berikut.
Nanie Darham Meninggal Usai Sedot Lemak, Itu Tanggung Jawab Siapa?
Tidak dalam semua tindakan medis, seorang dokter dapat sepenuhnya dilindungi oleh Penyangkalan/ Disclaimer yang ditandatangani pasien, dokter wajib mengukur tingkat resiko sebaik mungkin (best practice) supaya tidak mengorbankan kesehatan pasiennya.
Selengkapnya cek di link berikut.